Research for a never-written steamy novel

Phioto of the cover a sex guide for swingers called "Sophisticates Confidential Phone Book Hotline" probably published in the late 1960s or early 1970s.The title is in stark white type on a black background. Two crude clip-art drawings of rotary-dial telephones flank the word "hotline." Above the book cover is an ad from inside that reads: "A sophisticated couple seeks average people who want a little change.  No sex maniacs, pls. Bisexual females OK, aged 21 to 60, Caucasian preferred. We're 49 and 50, but sincere and able. Area Code 203 XXX-XXXX."
This is the directory that started — and ended — it all for me.

While browsing eBay for eclectic printed ephemera several years back, I spied an auction for “Sophisticates Confidential Phone Book Hotline, — Members Only” a guide for swingers that appeared to have been published in the late 1960s or early 1970s.

Intrigued, I bid and won this little book, and as I leafed through it, got the idea to pound out a steamy novel in which its ads are the basis for story arcs. Because more than a few ads mentioned meeting up in motels, I figured that could be the narrative frame.

I probably got the idea of the setting from the 1987 TV movie “Bates Motel” in which Bud Cort portrays a guy who befriended Norman Bates during their incarceration and inherits the motel when Norman dies. The movie was a pilot for a series, I think.

OK, so I had the sexy stories and the motel setting, but the story needed a better overall theme.

While watching a documentary about Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, more inspiration struck: What if a sleazy motel on a busy tourist highway is run by Russian agents whose job is to get blackmail material on anybody and everybody who checks in?

Here’s the brief description of “No-Tell Motel” that I came up with, including ideas for the first three chapters . . .

In the sultry backdrop of the early 1960s, along a bustling tourist highway, lies the enigmatic No-Tell Motel. Hidden behind its kitschy facade, this ordinary lodging is a hotbed of secrets and seduction, its true purpose concealed to all but its cunning owners — the enigmatic couple, Viktor and Natalia Ivanov, who double as covert Russian agents.

Viktor, a dashing and charismatic figure with piercing blue eyes and a disarming smile, manages the motel with an air of charm that conceals his true intentions. Natalia, his captivating and mysterious wife, exudes allure with her fiery red hair and a demeanor that masks her covert skills. Together, they form a formidable pair, using their unique talents to exploit unsuspecting guests who answer the siren call of their strategically placed ads in swinger magazines.

Chapter 1: “The Honeytrap” — When a high-ranking government official checks into the No-Tell Motel, Viktor and Natalia see an opportunity too good to pass up. As an alluring duo seeking a thrilling night, they draw the official into their web of temptation. Little does he know that their passionate encounter is meticulously recorded for future leverage. As the night unfolds, the couple realizes that emotions are entangling them in unexpected ways, leading them to question the true nature of their mission.

Chapter 2: “The Actress and the Diplomat” — When a glamorous Hollywood actress, Grace Harper, and a dashing foreign diplomat, Alexei Volkov, simultaneously check into the No-Tell Motel, Viktor and Natalia find themselves in a complex web of desire, ambition, and political intrigue. Drawn to each other like moths to a flame, Grace and Alexei’s clandestine affair takes center stage while the Ivanovs gather compromising information to exert influence over these influential players. But as emotions intensify, loyalties blur, and the line between duty and passion becomes dangerously thin.

Chapter 3: “The Double Agents” — An unexpected twist of fate reunites Viktor and Natalia with two familiar faces from their past – fellow Russian agents posing as a married couple, Yuri and Irina Petrov. As the two couples join forces to extract critical information from a renowned scientist staying at the motel, tensions run high, and old wounds resurface. Betrayals and revelations from their shared history threaten to derail the mission and put everyone’s lives at risk. Amid the steamy encounters and high-stakes espionage, the true test of loyalty and love emerges, forcing the characters to confront their deepest desires and darkest secrets.

“No-Tell Motel” weaves a tale of seduction, espionage, and forbidden wants against the backdrop of the tumultuous 1960s. In a time of shifting allegiances and political intrigue, Viktor and Natalia must navigate the dangerous game of espionage while wrestling with their emotions. As they delve deeper into the lives of their guests, they must confront the moral ambiguity of their actions, leading to a heart-pounding climax that will leave readers breathless and longing for more.

However, I decided that Joe Weisberg executed the basic idea much better with “The Americans,” so I abandoned the project.

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