In a hurry? My word search puzzles will satisfy you!

Cover of "Mythology Large Print Word Search for New Solvers of all Ages."

Creating a word search for the activity section of “Agenda 21 Comes to Colorado” inspired me to publish a series of puzzles for new solvers or those who want the satisfaction of completing a task quickly.

My journey into the world of puzzles isn’t new; I used to edit the commuter crossword puzzle for Tribune Media Services (now Tribune Content Agency). This experience gave me an understanding of the allure of easy-to-solve puzzles. They’re not just about filling time; they’re about engaging the mind in a stimulating and relaxing way.

The commuter puzzle was crafted with the intent of being completed during the brief windows of a newspaper reader’s morning or evening commute. It had to be concise, yet captivating, offering a quick but fulfilling mental exercise. This experience taught me the importance of balancing simplicity with intrigue, ensuring that each puzzle could be solved in the time it takes to travel from home to work or vice versa.

Drawing on this background, I aimed to create approachable puzzles that provide a smooth entry point for beginners or a quick solve for the more experienced. It’s a nod to those early mornings spent tweaking clues and grids to fit the fleeting moments of a commuter’s journey, now transformed into a series that anyone can enjoy anytime, anywhere.

Available now in paperback from Amazon.

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