In defense of ‘prostitute’: A journalist’s perspective

Photo of a 3-by-5 index card with the word PROSTITUTE crossed out and 21 synonyms written beneath.
Here are just a few of the synonyms for “prostitute” suggested by Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus.

I’ve been noticing something strange in the news lately. Many news stories about the Long Island Serial Killer no longer refer to some victims as prostitutes.

The media’s preferred term is becoming “escort” or “sex worker.”

But why is that? And why should journalists still write “prostitute”?

Forget about being politically correct. Yes, we should usually respect how people want to be identified and avoid using hurtful words.

But let’s be honest: Most prostitutes do it because they are desperate or forced. Saying “escort” or “sex worker” makes it sound like a regular job, which it sure as hell wasn’t for them.

Using the word “prostitute” reminds us of the harsh truth about sex work. It’s a trade in which people are taken advantage of, often in terrible ways. It tells us we must help those caught in this situation.

If we use nicer-sounding words, we forget how serious and urgent this problem is.

So, who wins when we change the words we use?

People who want us to see sex work as just another job like these new words. If we think of sex work as normal and not something terrible, it might help their cause. But that view forgets about all the people forced into prostitution because they’re poor, addicted to drugs, or because someone made them do it.

Also, as a society, we don’t like to face harsh truths. Using nicer words helps us feel better and keep a safe distance from real problems.

But here’s the thing: A journalist’s job is to tell the truth, not make people feel good.

Remember that we shouldn’t use the word “prostitute” in a mean way. The Long Island Serial Killer’s victims were real people with families and friends. Their lives mattered, and they died horribly.

Journalists must recognize the hard truths to tell their stories right and not hide behind more sociable words.

Journalists should keep writing and saying “prostitute” because it shows how bad things are for some people and reminds us we need to help.

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