Cousin Jake comes up with a killer suggestion

In the red glow of the neon sign outside Benny’s Bar, Garner leaned against the cold brick wall, his face a patchwork of bruises and dried blood. He winced as he touched his swollen cheek, replaying the night’s gangbang. Four against one, and he had been on the losing end.

Footsteps approached, and Garner straightened up as his cousin Jake appeared, his brow furrowed in concern. “Jesus, Garner, you look like hell.”

“Yeah, well, I need a favor,” Garner said. “Lend me your Glock. I gotta settle things with four guys.”

Jake crossed his arms and shook his head. “It’s like this, bro — and don’t take this the wrong way — but y’all are a fuckin’ retread. If I borrow you my piece, you’ll kill those assholes, get caught, and we’ll both end up in Rawlins. But I have the answer. That biker dude who helped my dad with his problem last year? I’m sure he can fix yours, too. Trust me on this one, cousin.”

Garner’s fists clenched.

Jake sighed, stepping closer. “Listen, I get it. But think, man. There’s a smarter way to handle this.” His voice was firm yet laced with a brotherly concern.

A moment of silence hung between them, the neon sign flickering above. Garner knew his cousin was right, but his pride was hard to swallow.

Finally, Garner nodded, the tension in his shoulders easing slightly. “All right, I trust you. Let’s do it your way.”

Jake clapped him on the back. “Good choice. Let’s talk to him. And after, let’s come back here and grab a beer. You look like you could use one or two.”

Text and photo copyright © 2023 L.T. Hanlon. All content in this post is fiction.

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