Biden declares Saturnalia a federal holiday

U.S. senators, flanked by Roman soldiers, pose on the steps of the U.S. Capitol to support President Biden's declaration of Saturnalia as a federal holiday.

WASHINGTON, D.C. — In an unprecedented move, President Joe Biden has signed an executive order declaring Saturnalia, the ancient Roman festival, a federal holiday in the United States, starting in 2024. This week-long celebration, running from December 17 to 23, will see all federal offices closed, embracing the spirit of ancient festivities.

President Biden, in a statement from the White House, expressed his enthusiasm for this unique decision. “Saturnalia, with its rich history and joyous festivities, reflects the spirit of inclusivity and celebration we cherish in our nation. This holiday season, let’s embrace the warmth and unity that Saturnalia symbolizes,” he said, surrounded by festive decorations.

Representatives from various cultural and historical societies have praised this move. Dr. Helena Marcus, a historian specializing in Roman culture, stated, “Saturnalia was a time when social norms were flipped, and everyone enjoyed a sense of freedom and merriment. It’s wonderful to see such a tradition being revived and recognized in the modern era.”

The environmental community has also expressed support, noting the alignment with seasonal changes. “Saturnalia’s connection with the winter solstice and nature’s rhythms highlights the importance of understanding and respecting our environment,” commented Leo Greenfield, a spokesperson for a leading environmental advocacy group.

Labor groups have welcomed the decision too, with the head of a major workers’ union saying, “A week-long holiday at the end of the year gives our hardworking members much-deserved rest and time with their families.”

The decision has sparked a wave of creative celebrations across the country, with communities planning feasts, costume parties, and historical reenactments to honor the ancient festival’s traditions.

However, not everyone is on board with this decision. Critics argue that the adoption of a pagan festival as a federal holiday is a step too far in the separation of church and state.

Despite the controversy, preparations for the first federal celebration of Saturnalia are already underway, promising a week of joyous festivities and a unique blend of ancient and modern traditions. As President Biden concluded, “Let’s make Saturnalia a time to celebrate our rich cultural tapestry and come together as a nation in the spirit of joy and fraternity.”

Text and photo copyright © 2023 L.T. Hanlon. All content in this post is fiction. See more stories at Breaking Fiction.

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