The new Kraft Mac & Cheese packaging sucks

Photo of a new box of Karft Mac & Cheese.

As a long-time fan of Kraft Macaroni & Cheese, I feel compelled to voice my thoughts on their recent packaging redesign. Change is inevitable, but sometimes, it doesn’t sit right, especially when it alters something as iconic as Kraft’s packaging. Here’s my take on the new look and why it misses the mark for me.

Firstly, the revamped Kraft logo. The shift to lowercase letters might seem like a minor tweak, but it’s a significant departure from the brand’s heritage. There’s something about the original, all-caps KRAFT that exuded a sense of reliability and tradition. This new, softer version feels like it’s trying too hard to be modern and approachable, losing a bit of its identity in the process. Seeing a brand with such a storied history feel the need to downplay its legacy in pursuing trendiness irks me.

Speaking of tradition, I’ve always appreciated how the product was officially named “Kraft Macaroni and Cheese Dinner.” It’s a nod to the product’s long-standing place in American culinary culture. This subtle acknowledgment of its roots added a layer of authenticity to the brand. Changing or simplifying this feels like a disconnect from the tradition that made Kraft a household name.

Moving onto the actual product, the cheese sauce now looks too gooey for my liking. There’s a fine line between creamy and overly viscous; unfortunately, the new visual representation crosses that line. It doesn’t evoke the same comforting, homey vibe the previous version did.

And now, the elephant in the room: the powdered cheese. It’s no secret that Kraft has been stingy with the cheese included in each box. What’s more, Kraft sells its powdered cheese separately, suggesting various uses like sprinkling it on salads or popcorn – but curiously, not for beefing up their own Mac & Cheese. This omission feels like an almost tacit admission of the inadequate cheese quantity in each box.

In my household, this has led to a guilty secret: the occasional swiping of a cheese packet from a second box, a habit that used to drive my mom to distraction. It’s a small act of rebellion against what feels like a cost-cutting move that detracts from the enjoyment of the product.

In conclusion, while change is a part of growth, the new Kraft Macaroni & Cheese packaging feels like a step away from what made the brand a beloved staple. It’s a shift that seems to prioritize modern aesthetics over substance and tradition, and frankly, I’m not a fan.

2 thoughts on “The new Kraft Mac & Cheese packaging sucks

  1. We’ve noticed lately that the cheese powder refuses to dissolve completely, remaining in unpleasant orange clumps of goo amongst the macaroni noodles.


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