Why smartphones fail as true emergency tools

My CCRadio Solar will be a great resource in an emergency. In the meantime, the radio is a stellar performer on AM, FM, and NOAA Weather Radio.

Every week, I check the power level on my CCradio Solar to ensure its battery is charged.

Just in case.

We live in an era dominated by smartphones. These pocket-sized devices have transformed our lives in countless ways, granting us unparalleled connectivity and access to information. But while smartphones are immensely versatile tools, a smartphone is not an emergency radio.

“But I can access any news site or weather app from my phone,” you might argue. Under normal circumstances, your smartphone can inform you about global news, local incidents, and upcoming weather conditions. In short-lived emergencies, such as power outages or brief network disruptions, a smartphone can be a lifeline, giving you essential updates.

However, the value and utility of a dedicated emergency radio, especially one that can receive AM, FM, and weather service broadcasts, should never be underestimated.

Here’s why:

1. Battery Longevity: An emergency radio is built to last. Many models have hand-crank or solar power options, ensuring they remain functional even when electricity sources are compromised. Smartphones drain batteries rapidly with their myriad applications and features. In prolonged emergencies, a dead smartphone is of no use.

2. Network Dependence: Smartphones rely heavily on cellular or Wi-Fi networks. These networks can be overloaded or down in disasters, rendering smartphones useless for gathering information. An emergency radio operates independently of these networks, directly receiving broadcasts to keep you informed.

3. Specificity of Broadcasts: Weather service broadcasts on emergency radios provide specialized information tailored for emergencies, including storm tracks, evacuation routes, and shelter locations. This targeted information might not be readily available on general news sites or apps.

4. Durability: Emergency radios are often built with rugged designs to withstand adverse conditions. Smartphones are generally more fragile, susceptible to water damage, and not designed to endure extreme conditions.

While smartphones are indispensable tools in our modern lives, they cannot replace the tried-and-true reliability of a dedicated emergency radio. It’s always wise to invest in an inexpensive emergency radio, ensuring you have a dependable source of information when it matters most. In an emergency, being well-informed can make all the difference.


Todderbert reviews the CCRadio Solar as well as many other emergency radios.

Farpoint Farms explains three types of radios you need right now.