Midjourney’s magic: Is AI the future of book covers?

A Photorealistic image created by Midjourney shows a cowboy kissing his sweetheart during an evening rain.
Midjourney created this evocative cover for a Western romance novel I’m percolating.

The wonders of AI keep unveiling themselves — most recently, as photorealistic images.

I am astounded.

I’ve been test-driving a new AI program called Midjourney. It can create infinite images, including uncannily lifelike, detailed, photorealistic images from descriptive text.

Last night, in nostalgia for Western romance novels, I tested Midjourney. I prompted: “A young cowboy kisses his sweetheart during an evening rainstorm.” A simple, evocative. I clicked the generate button and prepared for a laughable, cartoonish result.

When the image popped up on my screen, I was speechless.

It was a sight to behold. The image showed a rugged cowboy, complete with a hat, locked in a passionate embrace with his sweetheart. The couple was about to kiss as they stood in the warm glow of a rainy western street. The light from nearby windows reflected off their clothing, creating a surreal, dreamy atmosphere. It was tender, raw, and powerful.

It was so real and vivid that I had to remind myself that no artist’s hand had touched this piece. It was pure AI, Midjourney flexing its silicon muscles to breathe life into a simple string of words.

To say I was pleased would be a gross understatement. I was dumbfounded, thrilled, and utterly captivated. Midjourney’s image wasn’t just photorealistic; it told a story. It captured the moment’s essence, making me feel like I was peering into a novel myself.

Now, I’m left with this burning question: Could this image make it to the big time? Could it stand shoulder to shoulder with professionally photographed book covers? Could it grip a potential reader’s imagination and entice them into the wild, passionate world of a Western romance novel?

I am leaning towards yes. What do you think?